Friday, June 14, 2019

TheMikeDuBose on the radio

Oh, my...has it really been that long?

Big events happening in TheMikeDuBose land! My second album Depression Monster is being played on the radio! I've made the rotation of WAKT 106.1 FM in Toledo (they also stream online), and you can hear me on the show "The View from Nowhere," which is (according to the host Alan Goldsmith) "two hours of eclectic free form radio with lots of locally sourced original music from the Streets of Toledo." This is really cool, because I get to hear myself alongside such great artists as Flat Earth Agenda, Zimmerman Twins, A.S. Coomer, and many others. May 4, they played "Hate Blues" (stream that episode here). I'm also going to be on tonight's show, so I'm looking forward to seeing what gets played tonight.

Things are quiet gig-wise, but I am working hard on album three. Drums are done, and as soon as I finished with this update, I'm working on bass and synth. We should have it ready to go by the end of the year at the latest.

Thanks for listening!

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