Tuesday, July 09, 2024

context doesn't always help

 There were three conversational highlights from today's grocery run. I will leave it to you to decide whether knowing the context helps or hurts the sheer level of awesomeness of these quotes.

Highlight the First

The Quote

"What about Narcolepsy Nancy's Juggling extravaganza?"

The Context

I had to stop by the library to pick up a requested book. They had some kids program going on, and when we asked the librarian, she told us it was a "crazy juggling show." Of course, my daughter and I started riffing on mental state-themed juggling possibilities.

Highlight the Second

The Quote

"I don't want to go through the five stages of grief in order to catch a walleye."

The Context

My daughter was telling me about what she's doing in Stardew Valley.

Highlight the Third

The Quote

"The great gummy muffin kerfuffle!"

The Context

When my daughter didn't give me a sample of the pre-packaged blueberry muffins I bought her at the store, I threatened to cut her out of my will.

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