Wednesday, February 15, 2006

it's us against the world...literally

The Guardian had an article on the US military's announced plans for future conflict strategy. You should all read this, because it's truly enlightening. Some relevant/scary quotes:

  • US commanders envisage a war unlimited in time and space against global Islamist extremism. "The struggle ... may well be fought in dozens of other countries simultaneously and for many years to come," the report says.
  • The Pentagon does not pinpoint the countries it sees as future areas of operations but they will stretch beyond the Middle East to the Horn of Africa, north Africa, central and south-east Asia and the northern Caucasus
  • To wage the long war, the report urges Congress to grant the Pentagon and its agencies expanded permanent legal authority of the kind used in Iraq

This of course means:

  1. To qoute Kafka (who keeps coming up in my life): "The best you can hope for is infinite postponement."
  2. We're fighting everywhere except for Antarctica...and those penguins better watch out.
  3. Law? What law?

Am I alone in not having heard any of this from the US press?

I need to set up my computer to play Darth Vader's theme whenever I look at news sites.


Jennifer said...

this is interesting because it's like "duh" - everyone *knows* this is how things go -- Cold War anyone? wasn't just fought in one place.... terrorism is the new communism...

however, it is interesting that the US administration is laying it out there.

Anonymous said...

"US commanders envisage a war unlimited in time and space against global Islamist extremism. "The struggle ... may well be fought in dozens of other countries simultaneously and for many years to come," the report says."

what I thought was: What on earth in the history of the US military gives them the impression they could ever win a conflict like this? Id be looking for some other way out of the problem, personally.
Oh yeah, and you can kiss the law and all those constitutional 'freedoms' goodbye. But you wont need them, being a good boy.