Thursday, October 14, 2010

beverage: the Candy Corn

Due to popular demand, here's another mixed drink, perfect for those autumnal feelings! As a word of fair notice, there is no actual corn in this beverage.

  • Chill a couple o' martini glasses
  • Fill a shaker most of the way up with ice
  • add

    • 2 measures of bourbon
    • 1 measure of triple sec
    • 1/2 measure of peppermint schnaps
    • fresh local apple cider to within an inch o' the top

  • shake well to combine while doing a light "cha-cha-cha" dance to remind one's self of summer days gone by
  • pour the mixture into said glasses
  • add a splash of grenadine to each, making sure not to stir
  • sip while contemplating how to carve an erotic design onto a pumpkin of your choice

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