Friday, September 09, 2005

BG comes alive!

For all of my friends in BG, I will be at the Black Swamp Arts Festival quite a bit this weekend. As my wife volunteered me, I will be working somewhere in the beer area Saturday from noon to about two. I will of course be visiting both Friday and Saturday night...I gotta see The Derailers and Chuck Prophet. Please, come drink with me! Don't make me feel like I'm alone!

For those who have departed from BG...doesn't this make you miss the town just a little?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It actually does to be honest with you. There are 3 different "festivals" going on here in Toronto this weekend that I want to go to - Taste of the Kingsway, the Vegetarian food fair and the Junction Arts Festival. There are multiple festivals every weekend here in Toronto. But there is something to be said for an event that only comes around once a year that becomes the focus of the town.