Sunday, June 22, 2008

gotham interlude

Yesterday, we took a break from the city and explored New Jersey:

  • We visited a Pennsylvania Dutch superstore. There was a Penn Dutch butcher, a Penn Dutch baker, a Penn Dutch fudge maker...and, for some reason, a sushi shop.
  • Afterward, we went to Lambertville, a town on the NJ/Penn border. We decided to stop for a drink, and that turned into several drinks...but it was a fun way to start the day.
  • We then went to a cigar superstore, which turned out to be an outlet for my online cigar stop. They had a bar, so we did cigars and beer.
  • Finally, a great steak place called Arthur's, where I got a 24 ounce steak. The cow, I can assure you, died for a good and delicious cause.
  • NJ is not entirely toxic waste factories and suburbs...something I knew, but it's nice to see firsthand.

Back to Gotham today...Staten Island Ferry, Little Italy, Chinatown.

1 comment:

lauree said...

glad you got to see some of the good NJ. NJ gets it's reputation, unfortunately, for those traveling through from Philly-NYC which therefore most people only see Camden and Newark...neither places all that desirable.